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Tuesday 23 April 2019

Cannabis for Wellness and Cosmetics

Topical creams, soaps and shampoos for skin wellness;  health drinks, mood alleviating teas and beverages for reducing pain, inflammation and fatigue; spa sessions and massages with oils for relaxation, sleep, stress relief and anxiety relief; deodorants and perfumes for elevating your mood, you name it, the wellness industry has found a great new friend, well actually, an old forgotten friend rediscovered. At a time when health conscious people worldwide are lamenting the influx of chemical based synthetic products that in the long term damage health and the environment, the rediscovery of the legendary cannabis plant is rejuvenating the wellness industry. The natural healing properties of the plant as well as its minimal carbon footprint is enabling leading wellness businesses and quite a few start ups to create products that use cannabis, or its key compounds, to enhance wellness. 
Big brand names are creating new ranges of wellness products, celebrities are endorsing them and the products are starting to appear on store shelves in North America and Europe.Recently the EU Commission ruled that cannabidiol (CBD) and cannabigerol (CBG), both compounds found in the cannabis plant cannot be considered as narcotics, and so can be included in wellness products. Large multinationals, such as Colgate-Palmolive and Unilever, have started exploring the integration of these compounds in their products. The cannabis based wellness industry has been seeing rapid growth in recent times.

People who traditionally avoided the plant due to the misinformation surrounding it and its illegal status, especially women and the elderly, are swearing by it these days. It is only a matter of time before the plant becomes once again an integral part of a home's wellness strategy, much like coconut oil and turmeric. Cannabis' safety profile is proven through thousands of years of usage and testing by both humans and animals, with many parts of our bodies, including our skins, having evolved to receive its awesome properties. The skin has some of the highest concentrations of endocannabinoid receptors in our body.
The plant was an integral part of our wellness strategy in the past, till our fascination with health and environment damaging synthetic petrochemicals and pharmaceuticals made us push away the plant.  Some references to the usage of cannabis for wellness in India before its prohibition is found in the Ch.10 Effects—General Observations, Vol.1, Report of the Indian Hemp Drugs Commission, 1894-1895 are as follows:

'The Commission have said all that it is necessary to say regarding the strictly medicinal use of hemp drugs in the alleviation of human suffering and disease. This is to be carefully distinguished from the popular use of the drugs by the ordinary consumer, which it is now proposed to discuss. It is true that there are points where the two uses can hardly be separated by a hard-and-fast line. The medicinal use seems to merge sometimes into the popular use, where the drugs are used, ostensibly at least, for purposes akin to medical. The popular impression of the drugs also must be influenced by their uses in medicine.' - Ch.10 Effects—General Observations, Vol.1, Report of the Indian Hemp Drugs Commission, 1894-1895,

'Among the beneficial effects attributed to the drugs is their effect as a food accessory or digestive. This effect is more generally attributed to bhang than to the other two forms. But there are a large number of witnesses who attribute it also to the smoking of ganja. The "cooling and refreshing" cup of bhang taken by the well-to-do, especially in the hot weather, to stimulate their energies and to create an appetite for food is frequently in evidence. There would seem to be a very general use of bhang in moderation as a stimulant and digestive by the middle classes, especially in advancing years. Some of the most intelligent and enterprising classes of the community are among those who thus use bhang. This use is generally spoken of without any marked condemnation, and often even with approval; for it is the practice of the respectable classes.' - Ch.10 Effects—General Observations, Vol.1, Report of the Indian Hemp Drugs Commission, 1894-1895,
Some of the skin diseases for which cannabis was used as treatment in 19th century India were scabies, guinea-worm, fresh wounds and sores, inflammations and cure of erysipelas, pruritus, and boils. An oil prepared from bhang and other ingredients is prescribed in white leprosy, for catarrhal and skin diseases.
Not only humans and the environment, but also large numbers of animals suffer intolerable pain, trauma and death as we test our toxic chemical and synthetic products on them in the name of building a wellness industry safe for humans. Integrating cannabis into the wellness industry will help to safeguard our environment as well as our natural animal and plant life. In the process, we can also set right the wrongs done to people who loved and stood by the plant through our collective madness. These are the persons languishing in jail, the poor farmers pushed to the extremities of society, the indigenous people, the protectors and guardians of the plant, who are viewed as a threat or looked down upon by the insane majority enslaved to the unsustainable and harmful synthetic wellness big businesses.
As the misinformation regarding cannabis clears, we discover more and more how the cannabis plant can contribute to our wellness in many natural, wonderful and blissful ways. Beauty and wellness are not skin deep, they arise from the core within, and the more natural and sustainable the core is, the more beautiful and healthy we are.

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The following set of articles related to the subject are taken from various media. Words in italics are the thoughts of yours truly at the time of reading the article. 
'While consumers under 45 reported being most likely to combine exercise and cannabis use, consumers across all ages found that cannabis improved their fitness practices, if for different reasons at different ages. Consumers under 35 were more likely than were older cohorts to report using cannabis in conjunction with a workout to enhance enjoyment. Boosting motivation was another common reason reported for using cannabis to exercise, particularly among those under age 54. After age 35, relaxation reportedly becomes a prominent fitness-specific reason for using cannabis, and among consumers 55 and older, cannabis use serves to reduce exercise-related soreness.

While fitness-related reasons for cannabis use do not differ significantly between genders, the types of those activities do. Among men, weightlifting was the activity most commonly incorporating cannabis use, while among women it was yoga or Pilates. Hiking and running were the next most cited cannabis-driven fitness activities for both genders.'

'The incredible health benefits and seemingly endless uses for cannabis are still being discovered, but one of the most prominent new trends is the emergence of cannabis-infused topicals.

Infused lotions, salves, or balms are a great item to keep on hand as they have been shown to provide immense relief from chronic or acute localized pain. Because topicals are applied directly to the skin, they won’t get you high, which means they’re a great pain reliever to use at work or during the day when you can’t responsibly consume cannabis to relieve painful symptoms.

Making your own cannabis-infused topical lotions and salves is not as difficult as you might think. If you’ve ever made cannabis-infused butter or oil, the recipe is remarkably similar and can be used in a variety of ways.'

'Beauty and cosmetics products, including face lotions, serums, and skin nourishment/replenishment products accounted for about 18% of all hemp-CBD product sales in 2020, bringing in roughly $340 million in sales.

Nielsen predicts the category, which does not include pharmaceutical and marijuana-derived CBD products, will continue growing market share in the coming years and will eventually account for 20% of total CBD sales for 2021.

With further supply-chain improvements and favorable guidance from the FDA, the beauty and cosmetics category could top $2 billion by 2025.'

'Human clinical studies suggest that cannabinoids may be used in eczema, acne, pruritus, and systemic sclerosis treatment. Cannabidiol (CBD) may enhance hair growth via multiple mechanisms.'

'Topical cannabis products, such as skin creams, lotions, bath bombs, massage oils and lubricants, became legal in Canada in late 2019, but the category remains small relative to other cannabis-derived products that hit the market at the same time, including vape pens, edibles and beverages.'

'Recreational marijuana makes the most headlines, but a large number of cannabis consumers buy and use the plant for medical and wellness reasons.

These include acute medical conditions such as cancer, chronic pain and epilepsy, as well as wellness reasons including anxiety, muscle strains and sleep problems.'

'While minor cannabinoids are likely going to play a significant role in wellness, they’re only one piece of the puzzle, which is why many brands are blending cannabinoids with other properties such as adaptogens for stress and nootropics for brain function as well as ayurvedic herbs and ingredients found in Eastern medicine practices, Parker said.

Large beauty brands and other companies are formulating consumer packaged goods that combine cannabinoids with other ingredients, said Kim, who specializes in using traditional East Asian herbs and medicines in her formulations.

“We’re moving into a time when people are becoming much more aware of when to use what and why it’s important,” Kim said.

She added that many cannabinoid formulations focus on incorporating supplements and topicals into consumers’ daily life habits to ensure their bodies work optimally and function as preventative care.'

'European health and beauty product manufacturers can now safely use hemp-derived cannabigerol or CBG in their cosmetics and skin care lines with approval from a key market regulator for trade in the European Union.

The European Commission added CBG last month as a safe ingredient for skin conditioning to Cosing, its cosmetics ingredient database.

Hemp extractors and manufacturers tout the benefits of using hemp-derived CBG in skin care and cosmetics products, including anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antioxidant properties.'

'The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) is teaming up with a chemical manufacturing company on a two-year project that could significantly expand the hemp-based cosmetics market.

The goal is to take an innovative approach to hemp processing to create “cosmeceuticals,” or ingredients that “perform specific functions, like protecting skin from UV light, retaining moisture, or stabilizing other active ingredients used in skin-care formulations.”

USDA’s Agricultural Research Service announced on Tuesday that it will be working with the Illinois-based Midwest Bioprocessing Center (MBC) to apply the process known as “bio-catalysis” to hemp seed oil. Instead of relying on “harsh chemicals and solvents” to bind antioxidants to fats in products like vegetable oil, bio-catalysis involves using enzymes and heat to facilitate that binding.'

'Cannabidiol is a phytocannabinoid with proven pharmacological properties that is also used in the cosmetic industry for its sebostatic and antioxidant activities, being considered a new anti-aging ally. An analytical method is proposed for the determination of CBD in cosmetic products by liquid chromatography with tandem mass spectrometry, after leaching the CBD from the cosmetic matrix with ethanol. Low instrumental limits of detection (0.22 ng mL-1) and quantification (0.74 ng mL-1) allow the determination of CBD at trace levels without needing preconcentration, whereas the wide linearity of the method allows the determination of CBD in more concentrated samples without high dilution. The method was successfully applied to the analysis of six cosmetic products and a raw material. The proposed method is suitable for the quality control of cosmetic products containing CBD, being able to quickly and easily determine this compound, ensuring that its concentration in the finished product is the desired one'

'Personal care giant Colgate-Palmolive has developed three active oral care formulas that integrate a cannabinoid, namely cannabidiol (CBD), for antibacterial efficacy and anti-inflammatory action. '

'Among WHO’s recommendations, it was suggested that cannabidiol (CBD) with 2 percent or less Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC, the addictive substance) should not be subject to international controls. Member States rejected that recommendation for a variety of reasons, including some Member States arguing that CBD is not currently under international control and there was, thus, no need for action. CBD has taken on a prominent role in wellness therapies in recent years, and sparked a billion-dollar industry.'

'Topicals are a sliver of the overall cannabis market, but around Valentine’s Day, when many couples try to spice up their sex lives, the product category rides Cupid’s arrow to higher sales.

Edibles and beverages enjoy increased sales, too, according to Seattle-based data analytics firm Headset.

Sales of topicals around the 2020 Valentine’s Day holiday – including massage oils, bath salts and lube products – were up more than 20% over the previous four-week period, according to Headset.'

'The skin is an organ that is constantly exposed to many external factors that can affect its structure and function. Due to the presence of different cannabinoid receptors on many types of skin cells, cannabinoids can interact directly with them. Therefore, as part of this work, the impact of two types of Cannabis sativa L. herb extracts on keratinocytes and fibroblasts was assessed. The content of biologically active compounds such as phenols, flavonoids, chlorophylls and cannabinoids was evaluated. The antioxidant capacity of prepared extracts using the DPPH radical, H2DCFDA probe and measurement of superoxide dismutase activity was also assessed. The cytotoxicity of hemp extracts was determined using the Alamar Blue, Neutral Red and LDH assays. The ability of the extracts to inhibit the activity of matrix metalloproteinases, collagenase and elastase, was assessed. Preparations of model hydrogels were also prepared and their effect on transepidermal water loss and skin hydration was measured. The obtained results indicate that hemp extracts can be a valuable source of biologically active substances that reduce oxidative stress, inhibit skin aging processes and positively affect the viability of skin cells. The analysis also showed that hydrogels based on cannabis extracts have a positive effect on skin hydration.'

'EU regulators have updated their position on cannabinoids in cosmetics to allow for the use of plant-derived CBD in certain products. While national regulations can still cause complications for CBD companies, the decision comes on the heels of the European Commission’s landmark decision not to treat CBD as a narcotic, and is being interpreted as part of a broader loosening of anti-cannabis regulations within the continent.

Loosened regulations will allow for cosmetics companies interested in CBD to invest in product development, clearing the way for a new wave of hemp products. Nine of the 10 countries with the highest per-capita spending for cosmetics are found in Europe, and increased consumer acceptance of CBD is setting the substance up for long-term growth as a functional, commonplace ingredient.'

'The change comes after the European Industrial Hemp Association pointed out that the European Court of Justice recently ruled that CBD should not be classified as a drug and can be freely traded.

The classification change was made by the EU’s Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs (small- and medium-sized enterprises). Previously, only synthetic CBD was listed in the agency’s database.

Regulators list plant-derived CBD as a skin protectant and conditioner and note its function as an anti-oxidant.

“These are the types of news that make my day,” EIHA’s managing director, Lorenza Romanese, said in a statement.'

'The growth of the CBD market in Europe is attributed to the increasing acceptance of CBD-infused goods in industries such as pharmaceuticals, personal care, cosmetics, nutraceuticals and medical applications… The demand for CBD in Europe continues to grow rapidly as consumers embrace this cannabinoid for medical and general wellness, creating opportunities for large food and beverage brands and health and beauty brands… In Europe, CBD is seeing monumental demand. In Europe alone, according to the Brightfield Company, the business is expected to rise by 400 per cent over the next four years.'

'Objective: Two patient case reports are presented describing the use of cannabidiol (CBD) for the symptomatic relief of a lumbar compression fracture and in the mitigation of thoracic discomfort and dysesthesia secondary to a surgically resected meningioma.

Discussion: CBD appears to have antisnociceptive and anti-inflammatory effects on opioid-naive patients with neuropathic and radicular pain. Of note, the patients in this case series used the same CBD cream: Baskin Essentials Body Wellness Cream (400 mg CBD per two oz.)

Conclusion: Hemp-derived CBD in a transdermal cream provided significant symptom and pain relief for the patients described in this case series. Based on these results, we believe further investigation is warranted to see if CBD-containing products should have a more prominent role in the treatment of acute and chronic pain.'

'Discussion/Conclusion: Replacing current shampooing practices with a broad-spectrum cannabidiol-containing shampoo significantly reduces both severity and symptoms of scalp inflammation within 2 weeks, with excellent tolerability and treatment satisfaction in subjects with mild to moderate scalp psoriasis or seborrheic dermatitis'

'CBD was found to protect keratinocytes by preventing changes in the composition of the cellular membrane, associated with UVB/hydrogen peroxide damages which included reduced polyunsaturated fatty acid levels, increased sialic acid and lipid peroxidation products (malondialdehyde and 8-isoprostanes) levels. This maintains cell membranes integrity and prevents the release of lactate dehydrogenase. In addition, CBD prevented UVB/hydrogen peroxide-induced reduction of keratinocyte size and zeta potential, and also decreased activity of ATP-binding cassette membrane transporters. Together, these findings suggest that CBD could be a potential protective agent for keratinocytes against the harmful effects of irradiation and chemical environmental factors that cause oxidative stress.'

'Cannabidiol (CBD), a natural occurring phytocannabinoid, is used extensively in consumer products ranging from foods to shampoos, topical oils and lotions. Several studies demonstrated the anti-inflammatory and antioxidative properties of cannabidiol. Nevertheless, the role of cannabidiol use in sunscreens is largely unknown as no studies on its effect on keratinocytes or melanocytes exist. As such, we aimed to explore the effect of CBD on keratinocyte and melanocyte viability following ultraviolet B (UVB) irradiation. CBD exhibited a dose-dependent protective effect on both keratinocytes and melanocyte viability. Further, since CBD does not demonstrate absorption in the UVB spectra, we speculate that the protective effect is due to reduction in reactive oxygen species. To our knowledge, this is the first study demonstrating the protective effect of CBD on keratinocytes and melanocytes irradiated with UVB.'

'Neptune Wellness is partnering with consumer packaged goods giant Unilever as an import and stocking distributor and logistics partner in the U.S. and Canada.

The Laval, Quebec-based extraction company and product manufacturer of health and wellness products will provide Unilever’s selling partners with products in its warehouse system in the U.S. and Canada to support the growth of the hygiene category, The Fly originally reported.'

'With 332% growth year-on-year and $52 million in sales, cannabidiol (CBD) has taken the top spot as the best-selling herbal supplement in the natural channel, according to the 2018 HerbalGram Herb Market Report by the American Botanical Council.'

'"With hundreds of new companies rushing into the CBD space, many in the industry are looking beyond CBD towards other minor cannabinoids," New Frontier reports. "For farmers feeling the effects of CBD oversupply, minor cannabinoids can offer higher prices and less regulatory oversight."

Both the New Frontier report and several members of the hemp industry with whom we've spoken see CBN (cannabinol) and CBG (cannabigerol) as the next big thing in the hemp and cannabis industries. Despite not being as popular or studied as CBD (which is new to clinical research itself), both CBN and CBG have shown potential in wellness areas such as fighting inflammation, pain, nausea and potentially even certain cancer cells.'

'According to Witte, as the science behind CBD formulation affords more consistency, brands will begin to focus on whatever added value that they may provide beyond CBD itself.

“The way to think about CBD is as a compound no more interesting than caffeine or electrolytes, just a commoditized functional ingredient that’s ultimately going to be added to many types of products,” Witte explained. “The value is in being able to determine the right application to utilize it and being able to build a brand on top of the ingredient.”

Drawing a comparison with both Starbucks coffee and Red Bull energy drinks (“CBD is the caffeine of the 21st century,” he asserted), Witte pointed out how those brands essentially offer products with the same active ingredient; the differences are how the companies brand themselves and what kind of promises they offer their consumers.'

'Long before CBD had become a trendy wellness elixir found in juice and moisturizer and ice cream and dog treats; before corporate chains like Walgreens and Sephora had decided to sell it; and way before Kim Kardashian West had thrown a CBD-themed baby shower, a ragtag crew of activists, doctors, writers and marijuana farmers met up on an early winter evening in 2011. They sat in a circle at a house in the hills a few hours north of San Francisco — where wine country becomes weed country — to discuss the therapeutic potential of CBD, and how to get people to take it seriously.'

'“Nearly 9 in 10 Americans are familiar with CBD,” the report says. Some 86% of those surveyed had heard of CBD, and a majority (55%) were interested in learning more. Younger cohorts tended to be more interested than older groups.

 Three in five (60%) of consumers surveyed reported using CBD in a context that might be called “unwinding,” such as relaxation, relief of stress or anxiety reduction. The primary use, however (41%), was pain management

Oils and tinctures led the way, at 38% (of the ways in which consumers surveyed consume CBDs). Topicals were the next most widely used method, at 19%; then: food or drinks, 18%; flower, 8%; pills/capsules, 7%; and vaping, 7%.'

'If the bill is passed and assented by the President, cannabis plantation will generate income far more than oil as cannabis now has various benefits and value chain in pharmaceutical industries for drugs and cosmetic manufacturing as well as other research purposes for institutions, saying by so doing it will create employment for the teeming youths in Nigeria.'

'Results of the experiment indicated that the two cannabinoid-infused mouthwashes significantly inhibited the growth of bacteria—on par with the chlorhexidine. The two over-the-counter mouthwashes, meanwhile, had little to no detectable effect.

“Cannabinoids (CBD / CBG) infused mouthwashes together with other natural key ingredients shows promising bactericidal activity in vitro against total-culturable aerobic bacterial content in dental plaque,” the study says, “with efficiency equivalent to or better than that of the gold standard (0.2% chlorhexidine).”'

'Results and conclusion: Through a detailed analysis of the available resources about the origins of C. sativa we found that its use by ancient civilizations as a source of food and textile fibers dates back over 10,000 years, while its therapeutic applications have been improved over the centuries, from the ancient East medicine of the 2nd and 1st millennium B.C. to the more recent introduction in the Western world after the 1st century A.D. In the 20th and 21th centuries, Cannabis and its derivatives have been considered as a menace and banned throughout the world, but nowadays they are still the most widely consumed illicit drugs all over the world. Its legalization in some jurisdictions has been accompanied by new lines of research to investigate its possible applications for medical and therapeutic purposes.'

'Eaze Wellness was the passion project of Forbes 30 Under 30 honoree, Shri Ganeshram, the second hire and longest-serving employee at Eaze and its vice president of growth, analytics and strategy.'

'CannaCare Health GmbH said its CANOBO products hit the shelves at 2,200 branches of ROSSMANN drugstore across Germany in February 2020.

The products include two full-spectrum CBD nutritional supplements at concentrations of 2.75% and 5% and a topical sport recovery gel.'

'Eaze Wellness features CBD products sourced from the 41 states that have created their own pilot programs to regulate the hemp industry. Shiravi says Eaze hopes to give consumers one app and site where they can access to a variety of vetted brands.

“We require a certification of analysis from all brands on the platform” she said, and the company regularly conducts focus group testing to offer shoppers additional details on the products.'

'"I wouldn't be surprised," Loehnen said with a smile when asked if the brand was working on its own cannabanoid line. (Two ex-Goop employees recently launched their own Sephora for CBD" brand.)

Loehnen said Goop was also looking into THC products, as cannabis legalization spreads, as well as the research being done with psychedelic drugs to treat depression and PTSD.'

'CVS heard from its customers. They want CBD.

The drugstore chain last week started selling CBD, short for cannabidiol products, in eight states. The products include topicals such as creams, sprays, roll-ons, lotions and salves.

“Anecdotally, we’ve heard from our customers that have used those products that, gee, it’s helped with pain relief for arthritis and other ailments,” CVS CEO Larry Merlo said Thursday in an interview with CNBC’s Jim Cramer.

CVS specified that it’s not selling any CBD-containing supplements or food additives.'

'Walgreens will sell CBD creams, patches and sprays in nearly 1,500 stores in select states, the company told CNBC on Wednesday.

The drugstore chain will sell the cannabis-based products in Oregon, Colorado, New Mexico, Kentucky, Tennessee, Vermont, South Carolina, Illinois and Indiana. Walgreens declined to specify which brands it would carry.

“This product offering is in line with our efforts to provide a wider range of accessible health and wellbeing products and services to best meet the needs and preferences of our customers,” Walgreens spokesman Brian Faith said in an email to CNBC.'

'Leading Florida medical marijuana retailer Trulieve has received the go-ahead to expand its dispensaries to 49 locations throughout the state.

According to the Tallahassee Democrat, this ends a lawsuit Trulieve filed against the Florida health department and the state will drop its appeal of a circuit judge’s ruling that a statutory cap limiting the number of dispensaries an MMJ company can operate was unconstitutional.'

'The hemp versions of Schmidt’s Naturals deodorant will be available across the U.S. at Target Corp. stores in September, while the CBD version will be available soon in several U.S. states that have legalized marijuana, Cammarata said. CBD-infused deodorants are said to have antibacterial properties that help fight odour and include an anti-inflammatory to soothe irritation from shaving.

Cammarata said that while Unilever allows Schmidt's Naturals to operate independently, the company assists its 400-odd subsidiaries with R&D, legal resources, distribution, and various supply chain issues.'

'"While many may begin to imagine a skunk-infused scent, Carolina Herrera 212 VIP Men Party Fever is an elegant, refined summer scent that opens with a spicy energy then mellows with a herbaceous cannabis accord in the heart, giving the fragrance, and the man wearing it, an edge of risk."'

'One of the fastest growing markets in the United States is the cannabidiol (CBD) industry. From joint pain to skincare, Americans are using CBD to help treat everyday maladies. Natural products and specialty retailers are reaping the rewards of this increased interest.'

'Tired of having to take what she described as a “pharmaceutical cocktail,” Beverly Barish in 2012 decided to seek an alternative remedy to treat her fibromyalgia and migraines. At the time, Massachusetts had recently approved medical marijuana, which she was skeptical about at first. But after some research, Barish decided to give it a try and has since been pleased with the results. “It’s a wonderful alternative to opioids and it worked for me,” Barish said. Fast forward six years and Barish, along with her husband Robert, have opened a boutique book and wellness store called Wicked Chronic LLC in Natick.'
'And no matter the outcome, the study will do little to curb people selling CBD products. If the pudding does do something, CBD oil brands will have a paper to add to their marketing arsenal. If the special puddling doesn’t do anything for people with chronic pain, it will be easy to ignore; manufacturers can easily word claims about products’ benefits vaguely enough to avoid out-and-out false advertising. But more importantly, once something is in the public imagination as being useful, it’s hard to oust it. CBD has benefited from early studies that suggest legitimate uses from pain management to anxiety to insomnia. It doesn’t matter much that these are typically small, and often in rodents. There’s also the simple fact that it comes from marijuana; that it would do something positive seems logical, in the same way that buying face creams boasting antioxidants seems logical, even though they may only wind up being present in trace amounts. One only really has to note that a product has CBD in order to sell it. '
'In 1937, weed was placed under the Harrison Narcotics Act. Narcotics authorities claim it is a habit-forming drug, that its use is injurious to mind and body, and that it causes the people who use it to commit crimes. Here are the facts: Weed is positively not habit forming. You can smoke weed for years and you will experience no discomfort if your supply is cut off. I have seen tea heads in jail and none of them showed withdrawal symptoms. I have smoked weed myself off and on for fifteen years, and never missed it when I ran out. There is less habit to weed than there is to tobacco. Weed does not harm the general health. In fact. most users claim it gives you an appetite and acts as a tonic to the system. I do not know of any other agent that gives as definite a boot to the appetite. I can smoke a stick of tea and enjoy a glass of California sherry and a hash house meal.' - Junky, William S Burroughs, 1977, originally published in 1953

'The announcement by the three-time Super Bowl champion instantly raised the profile of a substance that is exploding in popularity, even as questions swirl about its legality and medical effectiveness. Though Gronkowski is the latest in a long line of celebrities to promote CBD, his endorsement could signal a key moment in the drug’s evolving acceptance among sports leagues and consumers.'

'Cannabidiol (CBD) is an illegal drug with no redeeming value. It is also a useful prescription medicine for epilepsy, with considerable potential for treating numerous other conditions. And it is a natural dietary supplement or ‘nutraceutical’ with countless evangelists in the health and wellness community. Although contradictory, all three statements are true from different perspectives, and clinical researchers are frustrated.'

'The stereotypical image of a cannabis smoker is someone who sprawls on the sofa for hours surrounded by a haze of smoke and half-eaten snacks. The scene is played up for laughs in films, but social psychologist Angela Bryan thought it could be cause for concern. After all, cannabis is known to increase appetite and aid relaxation, which might put people at risk of health conditions such as obesity, says Bryan, who is at the University of Colorado Boulder.

But digging into health trends revealed the opposite. Nationwide US studies report that, compared to non-users, cannabis users actually have a lower prevalence of obesity.'

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